Enchant Your Life
Book Club

Enchant Your Life
Book Club

Join a beautiful community centered on embodied reading, reflection, adventure, growth, healing connection & shared discussions.

Guided by Mohini Gima

I'm so glad you're here!

"This is WAYYYY more than bookclub!"

NOW OPEN!! We are currently open to new book club members.

Our next book will give us tangible tools to tap into our creative flow & our creative mission by seeing what's possible when we live in our magic!

Here's the book: Radiant Wildheart by Shereen Sun. I choose this book for a few reasons: Sheeren is an amazing friend and human! I love celebrating & supporting a queer women of color creative and soul-preneur!

The first meeting for this book is Sunday May 28th at 7pm pst.

To give you an idea of the types of books & conversations we've had, so far we have read:

The 7 Secrets for Happy Healthy Relationships by Don Miguel Ruiz

Pleasure Activism by Adrienne Marie Brown

All About Love by Bell Hooks

The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

When: We meet on Zoom weekly on Sundays @7pm PST (time may change based on who joins)

Members rotate leadership for group book discussion

Exchange: Each session is donation based, give what you can to help support the community space (please make payments before the sessions via Venmo)

The sacred container for this group is best achieved by being on time to gatherings and securing limited distraction space that supports your presence, freedom of expression and identity.

Come as you are - eye boogies, sweatpants, comfy vibes, lipstick on, eat your breakfast, video on, etc, are all welcome - all of YOU is welcome to this space. All peoples are welcome. Be present with us.

We meet weekly to create consistency and make reading an enjoyable ritual. Please only join if you can commit to meeting weekly (approx 60 minutes) AND can commit to ACTUALLY reading the books (in order to have an active book club, it is helpful if everyone actually reads the book!) My request is you do your best to join as many book club meeting as possible... Also LIFE! I get it! Set your intentions to join us & be present in the connections.

This is a time to gather in community, participate, expand & share perspectives on the chosen book. This will be an intimate book club group so we can really dive deep into the books together.

This is not the space for a social club to chat about your weekend plans & what shows you're binging :) (though you may find a new friend from here to chat about that stuff at another time!)

Book genres will generally be around: personal development, science, spirituality, creativity, wealth, healing, etc. (& open to your suggestions!)

If you're cool with this, please fill out the info below to join the waitlist!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.