Mohini Gima

Guided Chakra Meditations

Who this meditation is for:

This is for you if you feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed & disconnected from yourself and others. Do you struggle to focus or trust yourself? You probably have a long ass to do list. You are incredibly busy day-to-day and before you know it, it's time to (hopefully) get some sleep before starting your next chaotic day.

These are common problems that many people face and they can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing. The good news is I have a solution for you (there's many options!) - this guided chakra mediation!

This is an opportunity for you, as an over-giver and caretaker, to rest & restore yourself, fill up your cup SO THAT you can give to others from your overflow, not an empty well!

You will feel nourished & renewed in less than 1 hour!

This guided chakra meditation is a powerful tool that can help you realign your energy centers and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. By tapping into the power of your chakras, you can release negative energy and restore balance to your mind, body, and soul. This is for anyone who wants to slow wayyyy down, have an internal mini-retreat, explore new adventures & create some calm within yourself.

With this meditation, you'll be able to connect with your inner self and unlock your full potential. Whether you're looking to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your focus and motivation, or simply enhance your overall wellbeing, this meditation can help you achieve your goals.

Why you need this meditation:

This FREE guided meditation will support you to visualize and FEEL what's possible as you create more awareness within. It will help you from being only in your mind (hellooo over-thinkers & analyzers) and to connect deeper with your body & overall being.

You will be guided to go on a visualization journey to clear blocks you may have that are holding you back from living your most juicy, enchanting & magical af life.

What's included:

You will receive an audio guided meditation that goes through each major chakra (7 total energy centers) to create internal balance & a state of calm.

This guided meditation is 40 minutes long, and below is what each chakra visualization will go through.

Root Chakra/Muladhara: Basic Trust
Sacral Chakra/Swadhisthana: Sexuality & Creativity
Solar Plexus Chakra/Manipura: Wisdom & Power
Heart Chakra/Anahata: Love Healing
Throat Chakra/Ajna: Communication
Third Eye Chakra/Vishuddha: Awareness
Crown Chakra/Sahasrara: Spirituality

Join today and discover the transformative power of guided chakra meditation. Let this help you reclaim your inner peace and thrive in all areas of your life!

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